Always feel free to reach out should you have any questions.
Welcome to my page-Thank you for your time and trust
Thank you for visiting my page. If you are here it’s because you’ve heard about the specific services I offer or about crazy books I’ve written. Either way, I appreciate the visit. And, I appreciate your business.

Although I used to offer a range of services, including safe horse handling and basic training, I have directed my primary focus to 3 areas of the horse world.
- Saddle fit and assessment consulting- For more details,
- Livestock evacuation planning-
- Finding the perfect horse.. yup, you read that right. I am the Buyers Agent for people looking for horses. I don’t trade, I don’t sell. but I help to qualify and vet horses for people-65% of the horses I find for people, I don’t even get as far as a visit because I flush the truth on the phone. No page yet
- Author of two books that will make a difference in your life. One is a read over and over again while you sit on the toilet kind of book. The other will save you stress, prevent harm to your horse and help you prepare for a crisis. Each book has its own special value. Take a look below and see what grabs your interest.. I won’t stop you from buying both.
Both books have received amazing recognition in the horse world
“Buying the Perfect Horse” is here and available to you with a touch of the finger :
Wow the horse world has changed! But the honesty of horse sellers sure hasn’t! How often do you hear the descriptions “husband friendly” , “easy to catch” and the best “loads easily”? Are you looking for a horse yourself? Do you have friends who are looking for a horse? Are you helping your students find a horse? Or, do you just need to read a very entertaining book that will make you laugh out loud while realizing you can totally relate?
THIS IS YOUR BOOK! It’s an easy read and many realize that they can relate to some of the examples. This book should be on the top of back of every horse persons toilet. I guess you could say it’s the perfect horse persons toilet book. The Do’s and Oop’s-Buying the Perfect Horse is a laugh out loud, you can definitely relate kind of book that makes the perfect gift.
Click here for your paperback or Kindle copy
Are you ready for a natural disaster or how about a disaster when you’ve trailered out? Do you know how to help your horse prepare for an evacuation during a natural disaster? Do you know the steps you should take before a natural disaster occurs? Do you know the important items to keep in your trailer to be prepared for an emergency? Do you know when to leave? If you have answered “no” to any of these, you definitely want this manual. What’s your horses life worth? How well you plan can determine the life or death of your livestock. Natural disasters come in forms of wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, and mudslides, but the planning is the same. My PPI Emergency Planning Handbook is a priceless guide to make sure your animals are evacuated safely when those natural disasters strike. This manual makes planning in advance easy. It will be your guide to a safe evacuation during a natural disaster.

Plan, Prepare and Implement IS the manual that will make a difference between a safe and organized evacuation with your large animals versus a panicked, chaotic or even deadly outcome.
What’s your horses life worth?
I also provide evacuation planning clinics for groups ranging from 10-500 people. Click here for more information about these great clinics that are both informative AND entertaining.
The hills are green and full of life. Many think this is the time to relax. But, it’s the perfect time to start planning for your horse evacuations and horse safety before it turns brown and burnable and the wildfires ignite.

Oh my .. I almost pee’d my pants.